The first Section (Section 1) is a sketch of the road layout. It includes a 20 foot wide road with 5 foot sidewalks located right next to the road. One thing that i would like to change after i drew this was the placement of the sidewalk. I wish i would of realized that i was wanting to place a vegetative strip in between the road and the sidewalk, and as i was drawing i guess i overlooked that and forgot all about it.
The second section (View of the Courtyard) is one of the sections that i think really gets the point of the courtyard across. The courtyard is a private community space, meaning that is there for the community to know that it is there but it is not seen from the road or street inviting everyone in. This section shows how ther Gravel seating area seperates the parking area from the rest of the courtyard. This also shows how the stormwater storage area works with the steps leading down into a sunken grass space. This is a great area for sitting or even having some type of movie night by bringing out a sheet with a projector. One could place the projector on the end with the firepit and shine it across the sunken to the sheet hanging by the gravel seating area. That way the firepit could be lite and used as a grill for cooking.
Section 3 (Section 3) is a section cut through the public community area. This is showing how the open space realtes to the houses outlining the space. I think that could be more varaition in the planting material and height contrast of the buildings but i like how it all worked out.

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